Extending to other statistical functions

  1. Write your function that takes in two sets of data, and outputs a test statistic and a p-value:

import numpy as np
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind

def log_ttest(group_data1, group_data2, **stats_params):
    group_data1_log = np.log(group_data1)
    group_data2_log = np.log(group_data2)

    return ttest_ind(group_data1_log, group_data2_log, **stats_params)
  1. Initialize a statannotations.stats.StatTest.StatTest object using your function:

from statannotations.stats.StatTest import StatTest

custom_long_name = 'Log t-test'
custom_short_name = 'log-t'
custom_func = log_ttest
custom_test = StatTest(custom_func, custom_long_name, custom_short_name)
  1. When you configure the statannotations.Annotator.Annotator object, you can pass your StatTest:

annot = Annotator(<ax>, <pairs>)
annot.configure(test=custom_test, comparisons_correction=None,